How To's

How to use laptop – good posture practices

I have been developing a back pain lately. Two days vacation at Wayanad with absolutely zero back pain made me realize it was bad working posture. I work on a laptop which adds up to the problem since there are absolutely no zero stress working positions using laptop. Really liked two videos in this context.


Looking for a product manager for your startup? Find a conflict manager

on nextbigwhat here

A startup is an experiment turned to a company designed to grow fast and achieve the purpose it was intended to serve in its lifecycle. So, if you call your company a startup, you are always trying to make your experiment succeed and turn it into a viable business. So far so good, you saw an opportunity in a space, you worked out an idea to turn that opportunity into business, you got the first product delivered, you raised little money to keep going and now you suddenly realize you would need a Product Manager since everything is growing so fast that it is becoming impossible for you to spend 24×7 of your time thinking and working on your product and even if you are doing so, you require a more dedicated person who is meant only for this job.