clarity entrepreneurship motivation


Risk is the fear of losing something. Calculated risk is knowing the probability of losing and acting. Mitigating risk is decreasing the probability of losing. Taking risk is managing your fear of losing something.

clarity entrepreneurship

Goals-based management ( cutting through random shit )

Doing 10x efforts require a lot of patience and control to not do 1x or 0.5x things. And there has never been any clear playbook to do 10x. To do 10x, you have to only set goals you see as 10x and only do tasks that have medium or high impact to these 10x things. Framework to achieve such is very simple.

  1. Define your goals or KPIs you want to follow. Minimum you should do is next quarter goals or KPIs you are chasing
  2. Create tasks in each such goals and tag each task with impact and complexity. There can be 3 levels of impact – high, medium and low. There can be 3 level of complexities – easy, medium and hard
  3. High impact tasks are ones that directly contribute to the goal, medium impact is ones that contribute to something that directly contributes to these goals. Low impact tasks are ones where there is no clear visible impact that can be derived towards goals or impact is 5-6 hops away.
  4. Easy complexity are tasks that can be done in less than a day, medium are ones which takes 1-3 days, hard are ones which will take more than a week.
  5. Set timelines for each last task which will be achieved in the goal as a week before the end of the quarter.
  6. Now set timelines for each task so that its easy to understand what tasks need to be achieved every week.
  7. Do weekly planning by the above mode. Make sure you pick high impact, easy or medium tasks, and not low impact, hard tasks. If you have a high impact, hard tasks – divide them into medium or easy tasks.

    And finally, God Speed! Let me know if you need any help in framework prioritization. I have started using and have templatized project management by the above philosophies already there, happy to help. Feel free to reach out over para[dot]arora[at]gmail

clarity tech

Presence: Future of collaboration

What does the future of collaboration look like? Surely not just restricted to just audio and video. Below is an image of what I collected defines presence for people I talked to this weekend:

So many unsolved problems still to solve each of these challenges in a seamless easy to way for consumers.

clarity entrepreneurship startups

Startups that survive crashes

Startups that have survived and will survive aren’t the ones that are just created based on a market opportunity. They are created by passionate individuals who have envisioned the world after a few years and know a path to go there carrying their values and articulating mission to create the perfect vision they have created.

Their current app or idea or product is not the business but an accelerator to achieve the mission. We have an interesting time right now with markets hinting a crash and excited to see startups who will do the tests of the time.


Living the dream

People watch their own photos so much over Facebook. They like seeing them from 3rd person perspective and truly enjoy the person behind the happy moments and empathise with the sad moments. There is another term for it, living the memories.

It will be truly amazing if they can start visualizing before living the moments. See them doing things from a 3rd person perspective and do and achieve living every moment to its best from 1st person perspective. This is a great way to live. This enables living in the moment. This is called living the dream.



Stop, step back, relax and answer one question – what is one thing which you are focused for the whole day? Why is it important to you? Is that your goal?

If that’s your goal, have you craved enough for that goal? If the goal has success path, do you know what do you want to achieve? Imagine the situation where you are what you want to achieve. Like a child, start dreaming everything around that. Notice how you look, what everyone says about you, how proud you are and how proud others are. How much you have helped the world. Everything related to that. Does that make you happy? If that makes you happy, do it every day. If that does not, you need some more work to do.


The Droid Age

Translation of the wisest words I think I will ever hear or read.


Surely we will create droids one day who will serve us everything we think we desire
Surely we will make their body look like us, and then make them pixel perfect
Surely we will put mind to them, to act according to situation
By imparting them experiences, knowledge and thoughts  at regular intervals
Surely we will give them the 5 senses, which will trigger activities in their mind
Surely we will program mind triggers and name them good or bad
Surely we will thus impart emotions and expressions
Surely we will think we have created humans
Surely we will all forget what we can never give them
Surely we will forget the real self also known Buddha, Brahman, Om, Allah
And surely we even don’t need to create these droids
For we are the new droids, failed by our own desires
And surely desires are of false health, wealth, recognition and children
And surely desires are of the false sensory satisfactions

I am perfect?

When I am happy for I am perfect
is the pivot when I became imperfect
As perfect is perfect only to imperfect
For the perfect, its just being me
And its only the one who is not real I
who in duality is in delusion I am perfect


Favourite Food

And again I am asked, about my favourite food
Blessed me smile, in no search of answer
For if there is an answer, I open those gates
Those gates of stupidity, for favourite was past
Tasteless I seek, the next taste to come
For whatever I am served, is the magic of nature



And I want to go across the ocean
And look for a seat by the garden as now
And pick up a book like one I am reading now
Go through some pages and keep thinking on those
As I am just doing
And then I will think
What has changed has always been same
And more they change, more is it the same
For, what I want has always been the same
But how I want is very lame

