
Gaetan Dugas Strategy for viral marketing – Presentation template

Before you go and read the presentation template, please note:

  • I do not intend to present a strategy to spread HIV, but to learn from Gaetan Dugas case study
  • Guiding Principle: Any viral campaign needs a good virus, humans who will carry, an easy medium to give to others and a perfect environment for the medium
  • Product is good or bad is not discussed here (AIDS for users is bad, in this case)
  • My aim is just to present a template which can help you draft a viral strategy for your product


Dear entrepreneur, making money is easy !

(published on nextbigwhat here)

If you are really hurt by reading the title and planning to share this with “wtf”, please hold on and read more. You might be struggling from last 2-3 years building an ROI positive company and the title might be insulting. But let me tell you, you are the most respected person in my and article’s eye, for you are still pursuing the dream and this article is probably for you only apart from others who are planning to startup or even those who have already built an ROI positive company meeting targets they always wanted.

This is a story involving Sally and Amanda who are very good friends since childhood. Amanda’s father is very rich but she is married to a not so poor guy and has preferred to not take any help from her father. She misses being rich though. Sally and Amanda have ritualized daily yoga in Sally’s garden after husbands of both leave for work. They are discussing about entrepreneurship as Sally’s husband is thinking of quitting job and starting up an e-commerce company. Amanda is moved by the idea that even high salaried people are quitting job to get time for building their business where she is forced to be free for the whole day, apart from preparing amazing food she is fond of. She is disturbed, yet thinking positively out of the thoughts invoked in her. She is thankful for the conversation.