clarity entrepreneurship motivation


Risk is the fear of losing something. Calculated risk is knowing the probability of losing and acting. Mitigating risk is decreasing the probability of losing. Taking risk is managing your fear of losing something.


Biggest misery

Biggest misery of human is when he wants something desperately, but once he gets it realise that he did not want it. This is also called addiction and is completely opposite of being a rational human being. Also, nature of human who has fallen in this trap will be he will always keep on wanting this and will never enjoy getting it. Want is only till you get it and thats the true nature of addiction and not really passion. He will end his life just doing this as his only focus.

motivation Productivity

A relaxed mind

Being relaxed always is most under rated yet it is the biggest thing that can make difference. A relaxed mind is the best state of mind and most productive. 24 hours of being relaxed is more productive than a month of zigzag and stressed one. That’s the most important thing which makes difference between being super smart and dumb. Being relaxed does not mean you don’t have to be hustler, industrious or ambitious.

Its an art to achieve things while being most relaxed. And that is also a great way to achieve things. A relaxed mind is capable of taking best decisions.

There is an interesting story where a guy wants to climb Mt. Everest.. While starting he is very calm, relaxed and determined for his goal. This is his best state of mind and any decision taken at this time is best decision he can take. However, upon climbing almost half of Mt. Everest, he is stressed and tired. He has stopped enjoying the climbing as stress has come in his way. He had not trained himself to be relaxed and even worse, does not understand the importance of calmness. He reaches a flat area. He starts brainwashing his mind that with such a good view already, whats the point of climbing more? This brainwashing and stress made him never achieve what his calm mind would have. He is forever in misery now till he is relaxed again as he had taken decision with a stressed and tired mind.


Why I became a struggling Vegeterian

“If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth – beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals – would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?”
– George Bernard Shaw

To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
– Albert Einstein

I got married to a vegetarian “by choice” girl. I have always been opposed to people who call them vegetarian by choice. The whole idea of not trying non vegetarian and claiming vegetarian by choice seems absurd to me. I am a whole hearted supporter of experimenting with everything – have experimented things beyond what my culture and religion allows me to. So I could never ever take stand on this by choice philosophy. However, there is a much deeper thought which I understood later after doing some more reading and thinking. 

entrepreneurship motivation trends

Plan for big data and real time contextual analysis (and drop conventional google search optimizations )

[Update: check Steve Job’s video at the end of this article]

To most of the discussions happening at the time, big data is another fad. Serious players know that world is now changing, and will be driven completely by data in near future. With consumers (and organizations) going from Mobile Present to Mobile First to Mobile Only, Google Search will not really be the biggest thing happened ever over internet as it is today and the context driven actions done inside the apps will be the future. Human interaction ( Going to Google and searching for How to tame a dragon ) will not be required and behavior will change.

42% of organizations have more than 50TB of data with 6% of them having > 10PB (credits: IOUG Big Data Strategy Survey 2012). This is the data of whats happening with physical and online entities as well as human behavior. This is the data which will tell how much time you spent over apps / websites doing what, how many products were sold in your shop at what time and what else was happening in the world which triggered the sale, how much time you spent doing sex and how vigorous was it (check this ), is human race getting dumber or smarter and with what pace, how many cars crossed a particular spot on road in last n years etc.. Data will be infinite out there. 32% of companies use this data by pre-processing it and then loading data warehouse for integrated analysis and 14% conduct big data analysis separately from traditional enterprise analysis (credits: IOUG Big Data Strategy Survey 2012).  The current setup, thus is exactly like what retail commerce was in 1990s. And world is changing so fast that analysis done by Big Data as a separate process might be stale to use it for next day.

entrepreneurship motivation

I live on I Can Do It Street

This is the best story I have ever heard. Story is famously known as leaving the city of regret. Don’t know the original source, so just putting it below.


I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to be unpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it. I’m talking about my annual “Guilt Trip.”