
Why I became a struggling Vegeterian

“If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth – beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals – would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?”
– George Bernard Shaw

To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
– Albert Einstein

I got married to a vegetarian “by choice” girl. I have always been opposed to people who call them vegetarian by choice. The whole idea of not trying non vegetarian and claiming vegetarian by choice seems absurd to me. I am a whole hearted supporter of experimenting with everything – have experimented things beyond what my culture and religion allows me to. So I could never ever take stand on this by choice philosophy. However, there is a much deeper thought which I understood later after doing some more reading and thinking. 


Diwali Celebrations

Was one of the best Diwali since last few years. Had Anushi and Mom, Dad. Mom Dad had specially planned visit to Bangalore for I could not go home.

entrepreneurship startups

Behind your next disruptive innovation

[Published at here]

The frustration of finding an innovation is killing your innovation. The frustration of thinking how your competitor or peers are coming up with those innovative ideas and you striking hard, trying to prove point is exactly taking you away from the innovation process. You need to get out and follow time tested principles to create disruptive innovations. During the starting of my professional life, I had the same frustration. After founding two companies and doing a successful exit in Plustxt recently, I have realised and have started ritualising experiments on the process to bring a disruptive innovation out to the market. Like most of our talents and skills we have acquired, disruptive innovations are made happen by you following a process of loop to learn and execute. They are not EUREKA moments. Would share my experiences along with learnings borrowed from books I have read and videos I have watched which I have always tried to apply when thinking of disruptions.

The first thing to know about disruptive innovation is, disruptive  innovation need not necessarily be a technically advanced or complicated solution, but it can be more accessible, cheaper, fast or easy to use.

A disruptive innovation happens when people have job to do. There are people who have a particular job to do but they don’t find a better solution to do this. There are two kind of people I am referring here. One are the direct consumers who are already trying out ways to do their job. Others are non – consumers, who are not trying to do this job, they think they don’t have much problems doing this job and are less demanding. But their life would drastically change if they start doing this without any factors inhibiting them consuming and they don’t know about it. They still have job to do. Innovations which focus around people of first type is sustaining innovation. Real disruptive innovations happen when you start focussing on non – consumers too. 

entrepreneurship motivation trends

Plan for big data and real time contextual analysis (and drop conventional google search optimizations )

[Update: check Steve Job’s video at the end of this article]

To most of the discussions happening at the time, big data is another fad. Serious players know that world is now changing, and will be driven completely by data in near future. With consumers (and organizations) going from Mobile Present to Mobile First to Mobile Only, Google Search will not really be the biggest thing happened ever over internet as it is today and the context driven actions done inside the apps will be the future. Human interaction ( Going to Google and searching for How to tame a dragon ) will not be required and behavior will change.

42% of organizations have more than 50TB of data with 6% of them having > 10PB (credits: IOUG Big Data Strategy Survey 2012). This is the data of whats happening with physical and online entities as well as human behavior. This is the data which will tell how much time you spent over apps / websites doing what, how many products were sold in your shop at what time and what else was happening in the world which triggered the sale, how much time you spent doing sex and how vigorous was it (check this ), is human race getting dumber or smarter and with what pace, how many cars crossed a particular spot on road in last n years etc.. Data will be infinite out there. 32% of companies use this data by pre-processing it and then loading data warehouse for integrated analysis and 14% conduct big data analysis separately from traditional enterprise analysis (credits: IOUG Big Data Strategy Survey 2012).  The current setup, thus is exactly like what retail commerce was in 1990s. And world is changing so fast that analysis done by Big Data as a separate process might be stale to use it for next day.

entrepreneurship motivation

I live on I Can Do It Street

This is the best story I have ever heard. Story is famously known as leaving the city of regret. Don’t know the original source, so just putting it below.


I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to be unpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it. I’m talking about my annual “Guilt Trip.”


Gaetan Dugas Strategy for viral marketing – Presentation template

Before you go and read the presentation template, please note:

  • I do not intend to present a strategy to spread HIV, but to learn from Gaetan Dugas case study
  • Guiding Principle: Any viral campaign needs a good virus, humans who will carry, an easy medium to give to others and a perfect environment for the medium
  • Product is good or bad is not discussed here (AIDS for users is bad, in this case)
  • My aim is just to present a template which can help you draft a viral strategy for your product


Dear entrepreneur, making money is easy !

(published on nextbigwhat here)

If you are really hurt by reading the title and planning to share this with “wtf”, please hold on and read more. You might be struggling from last 2-3 years building an ROI positive company and the title might be insulting. But let me tell you, you are the most respected person in my and article’s eye, for you are still pursuing the dream and this article is probably for you only apart from others who are planning to startup or even those who have already built an ROI positive company meeting targets they always wanted.

This is a story involving Sally and Amanda who are very good friends since childhood. Amanda’s father is very rich but she is married to a not so poor guy and has preferred to not take any help from her father. She misses being rich though. Sally and Amanda have ritualized daily yoga in Sally’s garden after husbands of both leave for work. They are discussing about entrepreneurship as Sally’s husband is thinking of quitting job and starting up an e-commerce company. Amanda is moved by the idea that even high salaried people are quitting job to get time for building their business where she is forced to be free for the whole day, apart from preparing amazing food she is fond of. She is disturbed, yet thinking positively out of the thoughts invoked in her. She is thankful for the conversation.  

How To's

How to use laptop – good posture practices

I have been developing a back pain lately. Two days vacation at Wayanad with absolutely zero back pain made me realize it was bad working posture. I work on a laptop which adds up to the problem since there are absolutely no zero stress working positions using laptop. Really liked two videos in this context.


Looking for a product manager for your startup? Find a conflict manager

on nextbigwhat here

A startup is an experiment turned to a company designed to grow fast and achieve the purpose it was intended to serve in its lifecycle. So, if you call your company a startup, you are always trying to make your experiment succeed and turn it into a viable business. So far so good, you saw an opportunity in a space, you worked out an idea to turn that opportunity into business, you got the first product delivered, you raised little money to keep going and now you suddenly realize you would need a Product Manager since everything is growing so fast that it is becoming impossible for you to spend 24×7 of your time thinking and working on your product and even if you are doing so, you require a more dedicated person who is meant only for this job.


Hello world!

Hello World! Getting started with my blog deleting my previous entries. As I am writing this blog post, following logical questions came to my mind


Why should I write another blog?

I have always dreamt of writing a book once I grow old. My blog can be my first step to publish quality content for getting started. I need to write this blog also for I have discovered I retain more of things once I share it with others. Thirdly, I really get high on seeing impact happening to even one reader / listener / user 🙂 . Would get satisfaction while I share things even if it helps a single individual.


Why anyone should be reading my blog?

I would like to focus mainly on sharing my experiences, learnings and thoughts inspired from work and life. Hope it helps :).